Rachele Burriesci is a cardiopulmonary specialist who treats in the Kansas City area and virtually online

Rachele Burriesci, PT, DPT, CCS, GCS

Welcome to All Things Cardiopulm

My name is Rachele Burriesci (pronounced Rachel Burr-e-see).

I am excited to have you here and look forward to working with you or chatting with you!

If we haven’t met before here is some info about me and my journey.

A little about my journey…

I’ve been a physical therapist for 13 years and I’ve been in constant search of the “why” since day one. After being a clinical specialist in the Acute care setting for 4 years and running one of the first post-op day zero total joint programs, I kept finding myself asking more questions and wanting to be able to articulate more proficiently the “why.” My journey as a life long learner intensified in those moments in the PACU. I wanted more! I wanted the answers and I wanted to be the best advocate for my patients. I decided to pursue my geriatrics specialty and did so with self-study. Unfortunately, that still did not settle my desire to learn more. I wanted a mentor, someone to guide my thought process and someone to push and challenge me. So I did just that. I was admitted into the Ann Arbor VA residency in 2013.

I have a unique perspective of studying for a specialty exam in two very different methods. One way, pure self-study and the other by dedicating my life and studies to a 1 year residency. Yes I chose those words very purposely. I dedicated my life and my studies, day in and out. This stuff takes time and dedication. It is not an overnight change. I’ve been both a resident and a mentor in a residency. I understand both sides of the coin and I know what it takes to get to the finish line. I also understand what it is to be engulfed in your passion. I’ve spent the last 9 years of my life dedicated to learning, teaching (residents and DPT students) and treating patients with an array of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases in a multitude of settings.

I live and breathe all things cardiopulm and 9 years in I’m still learning something new everyday! My superpower is being able to deliver heavy complex material into easy to digest, practical chunks that can be implemented immediately into your practice.

Despite what others may say, Cardiopulm is sexy. Watch me make it so. :-)

The CV Facts:

2009 - Doctor of physical therapy - NYIT
2012 - Board certified Geriatric Specialist
2013 - Accepted into Ann Arbor VA Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Residency
2015 - Board certified Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Specialist
2014-2017 - Mentor of AAVA Residency
2017-2022 - Assistant Professor Rockhurst University
2021 - APTA Kansas - Award for Academic Excellence

Areas of Practice:

  • Acute Care


  • CLC VA - Skilled nursing facility

  • Outpatient Cardiac Rehab

  • Telehealth Cardiac Rehab

  • Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab

  • Virtual Outpatient Cardiopulm

  • Mobile PT

Fun Facts About Me:

  • I was born and raised in Queens, NY

  • Played D2 basketball at NYIT

  • I love NY pizza (only)

  • Beer choice: IPA (hazy, hoppy & juicy)

  • I love everything about the beach - the smell, the sound, the breeze, toes in the sand and of course long walks :-)

  • I love photography, drawing, reading and gardening

  • I love to play sports and miss it dearly

  • My daily walks are grounding


Draw It!

Drawing has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. In high school I had to decide between Arts and Science (literally). I couldn’t do both. Now, I don’t have to choose and tapping back into an old passion has not only been exciting and cathartic but super useful. It is difficult to find specific anatomic pictures that are shareable. Why not just draw it! I’m excited to see where this new-old skill takes me. But in the meantime I will be enjoying tapping and refining my skills.


The Garden

Gardening is definitely a part of me vs. something that I do.  I grew up watching my parents and grandparents tend to their gardens.  I saw the amount of pride they took in their work, sharing fruits and vegetables with friends, family and neighbors and just having the appreciation of homegrown flavor has always stuck with me. There is truly nothing like it.

I love everything about gardening, the prep, the planning for plant placement, growing seeds in the early spring, getting my hands in the dirt, watching profound change over short periods of time and the care it takes to support each plant in their own way. Literally setting each one up for success. There are so many life lessons that are just so apparent in the garden that translate into everyday life. Nature is a beautiful reminder.

My Family

I would not be here if it wasn’t for my wife. She has supported me unconditionally in every endeavor I have leaped into.  She is my biggest fan, my voice of reason and my calm. 

She is also the best DIY partner, there is literally no project too big or too small. Together we can accomplish anything.



If you follow me on instagram, then you definitely have seen our pup Rem and our daily walking routine. She is a rescue mix from Unleashed pet rescue full of piss and vinegar and unfortunately fear.  We have put in a lot of work and consistency to help her overcome her sound sensitivity and thrive in her everyday life.   She comes with energy, personality and loves us unconditionally. We do exactly the same.


 “Don’t Explain your Philosophy, Embody It.”

- Epictetus